The Student Space app
My final HND brief was based around the topic of Mental Health & Wellbeing, and the ways in which art can be linked to this. We were then given the chance to pick a specific question to adhere to within our final designs. My research question was: How do educational centre’s promote Mental Health and Wellbeing?
I completed some extensive research into the following topics including: Art therapy and Mental health in schools. I also set up a meeting with the college counsellor, who gave me some vital insight into the current young people’s mental health crisis in educational centre’s.
In response to this brief, I have created a digital support app for student’s during their time at school.
My app is named the Student Space, and it offers students access to a variety of mental health articles, meditation sessions, and a safe space to journal thoughts and feelings.
I have used a consistent colour palette, which appears to be very vibrant and eye-catching. I wanted the colours within my app to make a statement and feel empowering.
During this design process, I experimented with the creation of digital and physical abstract art. I used craft materials and my own photographs to create unique textures and patterns to use within my designs.
I have created five example pages for my app within Illustrator, and three advertisement designs, proportionate to instagram’s dimensions.
These designs have been showcased within Gloucestershire College’s end of year show.